It's Official!
6th April, 2018
After having our CQC Inspection in January, the report has finally gone live, as mentioned in our previous blog post. We are extremely proud and excited to officially be rated Outstanding by the Quality Care Commission.
"People living in the home and their relatives were extremely positive about the quality of the care and support provided at The White House Nursing Home. People, relatives, community health and social care professionals and staff were also very complimentary about the service’s registered manager and company director (owner). They said they were both highly regarded by everyone and worked well together as a team, which had a positive impact on the quality of the service provided. People and staff said the managers were ever-present in the home, approachable and always interested to hear what they had to say about the White House Nursing Home, including any suggestions people, their relatives and staff might have about improving practice there." (CQC Inspector, Inspection Summary)
To read more about our inspection click the link below: