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"People living in the home and their relatives were extremely positive about the quality of the care and support provided at The White House Nursing Home"

CQC Report - January 2018

A CQC Outstanding Rated Home

Following an inspection in January 2018, The White House Nursing Home was awarded an overall "Outstanding" by the CQC (Care Quality Commission) which puts TWH in the unique category of being one of a few nursing homes in the Borough of Kingston to be rated as Outstanding.

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In order to achieve the Outstanding CQC rating, care homes must demonstrate several attributes including; strong and transparent leadership. a positive organisational culture, good oversight of care, the ability to drive change through effective systems and processes, be open to challenge and change, have effective collaboration with partners and engage with those who use the service.

Home Manager Ajitha Pillai put the Outstanding rating achievement down to "a committed, motivated and hardworking team with support from the directors, friends and family of the residents and volunteers". The White Houses’ attention to resident’s needs in all aspects of life is what made our small home stand out. With a focus on individual care plans, daily activities and events as well as a vibrant yet homely environment, the residents are able to feel at home with their families having peace of mind that they are well-cared for.

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