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Family Testimonials

"To each and every one of the lovely staff at The White House, thank you for helping me settle in to my new home and for making me and my family feel so welcome."

Chris, Current Resident
(July 2024)

"You have all been wonderful; you all looked after Michele with such love and care and effectively became her extended family. We are all so grateful for the love and support you gave her. Your love and care for Michele was indeed as the CQC said "Outstanding" and I saw that when I first came to look for a good nursing home, which was even before you were awarded that high accolade. Thank you all so much."

Jim (July 2024)
Husband of Former Resident

"Thank you so much for the care she received in her time with you. As a family, we appreciate your personal contribution. Thank you for caring so well for her and making her last days comfortable.”

Daughter-In-Law of Former Resident
(July 2024)

"We would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all the tremendous care that you gave to our lovely mum. She loved coming back to the home after her outings - she knew exactly where the house was and I am sure she felt happy and secure at The White House. We could not wish for a better nursing home for our mum. We will miss you all.”

Delia, Mark & Lynette (May 2024)
Former Resident Eileen's family

"Thank you all so very much for the loving care given to my mum. Not just on her final days, but for the past two years and four months she was with you. All the family cannot thank you enough for all that you did for mum; you kept her warm, safe, well fed and entertained each and every day. Each and every one of you are absolute stars, you all deserve every recognition and award going because you are “simply the best.”

Debbie (April 2024)
Daughter of Former Resident

"Many thanks to all of you at The White House for all that you have done for Mum and the kindness you have shown her over the years. We really appreciate how well she has been looked after and how happy her final years have been."

Kevin (March 2024)
Son of Former Resident

"The care she received from all the staff at the home was amazing. She was on end-of-life palliative care for the last two weeks, and they treated her with such respect. Everyone, from the manager and nurses to the carers and cleaners, was so kind. I was at the home several times a week and, towards the end, every day. They made sure I was cared for as well as my mother. I cannot recommend it enough."

Nicky C (January 2024)
Daughter of Former Resident

"Thank you for taking great care of my mum Dorothy whilst I was away on holiday. Thank you for reassuring her I would be coming back, all of you are so kind and caring, it's very much appreciated. Thanks to each one of you!"

Debbie (December 2023)
Daughter of Current Resident

"Thank you for making my stay so enjoyable. Nothing was too much trouble, and you are all so dedicated to your jobs. I was impressed with all the activities provided, and the food was great!! Well done! Love from Pat."

Pat (November 2023)
Former Respite Resident

"I can't thank all of you enough for your care and love you gave to Kate, She couldn't have been treated better and kept alive in a more dignified and friendlier way, Kate and I both felt your Kindness and Closeness. Some of you became part of our life I will never forget."

Milada (September 2023)
Partner of Former Resident

"Thank you so very much for the love, care and company you provided to Mum over the last months of her life. My family and I really do appreciate everything you did. Thank you."

Andrew (January 2023)
Son of Former Resident

"I just wanted to say thank you very much for all your kindness and care towards my Mum, Beryl in the few days she was with you. I always felt confident that she was made as comfortable as possible and she was in good hands. We were so incredibly lucky to be allocated such a clean, warm and inviting Home for Mum and I'm sure she would have expressed her appreciation for all you did if only she had been able to do so. Everyone has been so very kind, friendly and supportive towards me and for that I thank you too.I wouldn't hesitate to recommend The White House Nursing Home to anyone who needed kindness and care for their loved one. With heartfelt thanks for everything"

Sandra (January 2023)
Daughter of Former Resident

"A very special big thank you to ALL staff that make The White House a lovely homely environment. It's truly amazing and does not go unnoticed. I'll forever be in debt to you all for keeping my Grandma happy and safe. She has flourished since being here. Big love to you all"

Abi (Sept 2022)
Granddaughter of a Current Resident

"Thank you for looking after my Godmother Margaret for three weeks after her hospital stay and before she was allowed home. The staff were brilliant and always so kind and caring in what must be a really demanding job. She came in weak and wobbly and marched out without a stick three weeks later!"

Rosie (Sept 2022)
Goddaughter of Former Resident

"My mum enjoyed the time that she spent with you and felt that both the care and food were excellent which is very comforting to know. I too have been very impressed with the service that I have received from you and so The White House will be top of the list should she need any kind of residential care in future"

Graham (July 2022)

Son of Former Resident 

"We just wanted to say a "HUGE thank you!" for looking after Leela so well. She really enjoyed herself during her time with you and we are truly grateful for all the dedication and kindness you showed towards her."

Shobha (July 2022)
Daughter of Former Resident

"We are really grateful for the care and kindness shown to Dad during his time at The White House, every staff member is fantastic, and much appreciated. It is so clear to see that all your staff really care for the residents."

Marina (May 2022)

Daughter of Former Resident

"We are so appreciative of the care and attention that you and your colleagues at the Whitehouse have given to Dad over the last couple of years. I have found you all gentle, caring and professional, especially in this time of Covid which sadly covered all of his time with you and meant that we couldn’t really become as close to the Whitehouse family like community as we might have done in more normal times.

You and the team have always welcomed me when I turned up with his paper (at what I’m sure wasn’t always the most convenient time); thank you for reading through it with him to engage him and when he wasn’t up to it himself.   We have some great pictures of his activities too that will remind us of his time with you."

David (April 2022)

Son of Former Resident

"We really appreciate all the caring and kindness you showed John and us during his time with you."

Edith, Nicole & Karin (April 2022)

Family of Former Resident

"Thank you so much for all of you at The White House for looking after mum so well, what a wonderful home to spend her last year’s in. As a family we were not expecting her to live as long as she did, it was because of the great care she received from all the wonderful staff, please tell them all how grateful and happy we are. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

Sarah (October 2021)

Daughter of Former Resident

​"We are completely indebted to you and your staff for providing dad with superb care, love and support whilst he was with you. You were pragmatic and kind. This was so helpful to us as his family. 

Love and thanks to you all for the important and undervalued work you do."

Wendy & Heather (October 2021)

Daughters of Former Resident

"It was such a difficult time for Mum to go into the White House during Lockdown but you made the transition as easy as you could and for Tony and I. Her time with you opened up all sorts of social activities and she developed such a great friendship with Pam and the staff.  Tania held a special place in her heart and we always knew when she had done Mum's hair as it brought such a smile to her face.  Tania was so gentle and kind with Mum. We will miss the contact with you and all the staff but especially yourself, Rowena and Mylene as you were such a support to us throughout Mum's time with you and especially at the end.I also want to thank the Night staff who were kind and so respectful." 

Kim H (September 2021)

Daughter of Former Resident

"Thanks to the White House, Mum's last days were as peaceful, secure, and gentle as they could have been. That was the culmination of the wonderful care she was fortunate enough to receive these past years. We too have felt very supported at all times by the staff, and that's helping us in our bereavement. Mum found it hard moving to a nursing home, but she could not have been at a better one, and I'm amazed that she did eventually find a way of being content there, alongside Dad, for a good period, which is down to the sensitivity of Ajitha and the staff in getting to know her and her needs." 

Neil K (September 2021)

Son of Former Resident

"We are so grateful to all the staff at The Whitehouse for their care and support whilst looking after Mum.  From my first contact with Ajitha we have felt welcome and have always known Mum was receiving the best care." 

Pam B (August 2021)

Daughter of Former Resident

"Thank you so much for all you did for Mum. I saw how upset you all were and it just shows that these people are more than just residents to you all. You have been their families for the last 16 months. You are all amazing and we miss seeing you all too. You made her life as amazing as it could have been."

Caroline G (June 2021)

Daughter of Former Resident

"We thank you so much for your help and kindnesses to David and ourselves during his stay with you. It made a very difficult situation bearable and made us realise how kind people can be."

Carol T (June 2021)

Wife of Former Resident

"My wife, Jennie, began to suffer from Parkinson’s Disease in 2005. In time her condition became too severe for me to care for her at home. The White House was recommended to me and fortunately there was a vacancy. This was in 2013 and she was cared for there until her death in 2016. The fact that she lived for another three and a half years with a very severe form of Parkinkinsons is a testament to the high quality of care she received. The staff and management provided a homely, caring environment with a professional skill and this was of great comfort to Jennie, myself and all the family. I have continued to volunteer and play music sessions at The White House to this day and continue to appreciate their good work which I see whenever I am there."

Roger J (June 2021)

Husband of Former Resident

"We have all come to think that The White House is a very special place and that Thelma had the best possible care in the last weeks of her life."

Gill H (April 2021)
Sister in Law of Former Resident

"My dear Mama spent the last 3 years of her life at TWHNH and I will always be grateful for the wonderful care provided by all of the staff. Mama had complex needs, and knowing that she had the best care possible has been a source of great comfort to me. Her room was lovely and bright, and we could visit at any time. The atmosphere was always welcoming and friendly and I made many friends among the staff and residents. There was always regular activities and entertainment for residents (which in normal times it is great to support). I would definitely recommend TWHNH to my friends and cannot thank you all enough."

Hilary J (March 2021)

Daughter of Former Resident

"We were always comforted in the knowledge that all you good folk at the Whitehouse took great care of Pam and enabled her to have a quality of life throughout her illness. We thank you all greatly for that. Thank you again Ajitha, especially to you for all that you did for Pam."

Jeff & Anne M (February 2021)

Son and Daughter in Law of Former Resident

"In the time Mum has been there, I always knew that she was getting the best care possible and could rest in that knowledge. Mum often said how happy she was there and it was because of the care she was given which was accommodating to the resident's needs wherever possible. She was delighted that she was allowed to wake up naturally and given breakfast at that time.

She also recommended the food which I can tell you that from my Mum is the highest accolade. She still wanted to be Mum to me and would sneak an extra cake to give to me when I visited though sure the staff knew she couldn't eat that many cup cakes.

So many happy memories of her time there and her fondness and playfulness with the very patient staff!"

Nelly W (January 2021)

Daughter of Former resident

"We wanted to thank you all for the time, care and attention you gave to Ann. You made a real difference to her life and, although she often did not show it (!), she was, we know, grateful and appreciative.

We know that Ann was 'ready to go', but we will miss her, and remember the fun times we had over the years. We do not know how you do the job that you do. We are amazed and grateful. Ann could not have received better care anywhere."

Judith and Pauline (June 2020)

Friends of Former Resident

"I would honestly recommend the White House to anyone who was looking for care. From my first contact, I was impressed with the efficiency but also the underlying sense that this was a person-centred home. My father was valued and treated with respect and kindness. Not only were his needs fully met but the staff went above and beyond in creating fun experiences and encouraging him to take part in activities and events. At the end of his life, the staff embraced us as a family and made an overwhelmingly sad situation bearable. 

At the start of this journey, looking around various care homes I never would have imagined that I would feel so positive about any of them. I wish that all homes offered the same standard and that all people could access this fantastic care. Your care of my dad has been fantastic but your care of us as a family is beyond anything which I would have imagined.
I know you will miss my dad, he was a very special man

With my grateful thanks."

Anne T (November 2019)

Daughter of Former Resident

My mum Yvonne came to you on the 21st April 2017. It was very difficult for us accepting it, but we could soon see mum was having the best care possible. Mum was made to feel at home from all the staff. Everyone has been so supportive, caring and friendly - nothing was too much trouble. Seeing mum every day, it became my second home I made special friends and there was always someone to talk to. The White House is an amazing place. Mum was very happy here. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for looking after my amazing mum 100 years young. She is very sadly missed by us all."

Pauline K (2019)

Relative of Former Resident

"I would like to draw attention to my family’s gratitude for the outstanding nursing care our mother has received in the White House Nursing Home.  She moved into the White House in January 2017 after a massive stroke rendered her bed-bound and PEG fed. A Nursing friend recommended the White House as an excellent local nursing home. We were so grateful that a bed became available… She is looked after with dignity and kindness (and when I listen to the staff interact with other residents it seems this is their experience too). They know Mum’s needs... My Dad is well supported by the staff and my mother, after over 13 months in this condition, does not have any bedsores: we find this astonishing…."


Daughter of Former Resident

"Just a note to offer my sincerest gratitude and thanks to yourself, Ajitha, and all the nursing staff, cleaners, kitchen staff and residents for the kindest consideration and care you have shown to mum."


Relative of Former Resident

“I would like to thank all at The White House for caring for my mother… She arrived in March this year with severe injuries resulting from a fall at her previous residential home. You nursed her back to good health and she rapidly settled into her new home. The care and attention she received was of the highest order.

… Mum ended her days as she would have wanted – in peace, with no stress or pain and in her own bed. On behalf of all the family my profound thanks to you all.”


Relative of Former Resident

"Just a short message to thank everyone for taking such good care of Mum in the three years or so she was a resident. I would like, in particular, to thank the staff for the love and care that Mum was shown... I know that Mum was really cheered up by the many visitors to her room over those last, all too few days and I shall never forget it."


Relative of Former Resident

"Thank you all so very much for looking after Hanora in the most caring and dignified way. She was, and we were so very lucky to have spent her final months at The White House being in wonderful, kind and happy hands.”

Sally, Martin & Family

Relatives of Former Resident

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