TWH are very proud to have been awarded a Certificate of Recognition from NHS South West London, placing us among the top 5% of digitally enabled care homes in the region!

This recognition is a huge milestone and a direct reflection of our commitment to embracing the latest technology to improve the lives of our residents. By integrating digital tools and innovative solutions, TWH have improved their care services, communication and efficiency leading to being awarded as one of the top digitally enabled homes within the vast area of South West London
This recognition was officially awarded by a visit from Harry Dawson and Louise Cooper, Health & Social Care Integration Officer for Kingston & Richmond, who presented the Team with an official certificate on behalf of NHS South West London.

In recognising our contribution and commitment towards the digital care sector, Paul Harper, the Senior Project Manager of NHS SWL Integrated Care Board, stated that we have "embraced technology, and [are] one of a small number of the 330 care homes in South West London which has adopted the entirety of NHS SWL's digital offer." Sarah Branch from NHS SWL also commented that TWH has "been one of our leading care homes in embedding a wide range of digital innovations, including vital feedback and data to our team and ensuring take up of training and other improvement opportunities."
On celebrating our recognition award with the team, Ajitha, Registered Manager, remarked how our staff have "embraced all of the 16 different Technology Initiatives from NHS SWL that we have embarked on since 2020 and this is testament to TWH's openness and willingness to commit to new initiatives that will wholeheartedly improve the care and the overall lives of our residents."

As we continue to lead the way in the field of digital care technology, we look forward to bringing even more exciting digital advancements to our residents, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care, enriched by the power of technology.
We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to NHS South West London's Care Home Digital Integration Team for this special recognition and whose support helps drive us toward new horizons. We are excited about what more the future of digitally empowered care holds.